Image Archive Website Features

Image Archive Website

Utilize a fully searchable image archive website. The optional archive site provides you with a searchable website, client areas, allows image downloads, print sales and much more.



*Standard Setup up to 5,000 Images, 3.5 MB JPGs only
*Cloud Setup up to 50,000 files / up to 100MB files (12MB Compressed JPGs). Call for a quote if your requirements need a separate database source, more than 50,000 files, or more than 99 concurrent sessions.
Virtually Unlimited Folders and Sub-Folders
File types supported include: jpg, tif, psd, flv, f4v, mp4, mp3, mov, swf pano, pdf, doc, and docx.


Batch Uploading
Batch Pricing
Batch Captioning
Batch Keywording
Batch Resizing
IPTC Import 
Keyword Suggestion Tool


Digital File Delivery
Permit/Restrict File Downloads
Permit/Restrict File Size Access
Permit/Restrict File Access to Registered Users/ Casual Visitors
Selectively Watermark Based on Image Size and/or Folder
Image Sizes 3.5MB Files with Standard Set Up
Image Sizes 12MB JPGS and 100+MB for non JPG Formats with Cloud Setup 


Password Protected
Folder Nesting Unlimited
Federated Optional
Contributors Optional


Search by Term or Keyword
Browse by Folder/Subfolder
Browse by Category
Conduct Advanced Search
Visit Assigned Folders/Proofing Folders
Keyword Tool
Automated Categories Optional


Client Login Panel
Lightbox Manager (Favorites Selection)
Share Lightbox
Request Info/Pricing
Print Lightbox
Shopping Cart Management


Unlimited Pricing Options
Discount Codes
Multiple Order of Single Item
Paypal Standard Integration
Paypal Pro Integration
Tax and Shipping Tables
Built-in Quote Management


Select Color Theme
Customize Color Theme (Limited)
Control Image Sizes
Include Welcome Text
Logo Display
Watermark Display – Text or Graphic


Social Media Integration

* All Materials in the Archive are assumed to be duplicates. Please visit our Terms section regarding "Submission of Materials" by clicking on the terms link at the bottom of this page.

Have questions about features?

Contact us at

FolioLink includes 100s of features in the following areas:


To showcase your work in elegant designs targeting various screen sizes such as desktops, tables and mobile phones. Features that allow you to mix designs (i.e. show this design to desktop users and this one to mobile users). In addition to supporting the latest HTML5 adaptive techniques we support immersive Flash site with HTML fall back shadow sites.

Build & Update

The Foliolink service has an elegant administrative interface to help you batch upload your images, edit your text pages and setup portfolios with easy to use drag and drop functionality. The service includes a built-in editor to craft custom thumbnails, batch tools and more.


In addition to your site with Foliolink’s Promo pages you can create micro websites for your announcements and marketing tasks. These microsites may be referenced in newsletters, Blogs and more. The Foliolink promotion features also include a Blog, search engine optimization (SEO) tools, and features that allow users to create rich media shares in social sites.


Foliolink Portfolio websites come with an easy to setup ecommerce solution that supports multiple price points and integration with your PayPal account. The FolioLink Catalog and Image Archive add another level of ecommerce functionality with a fully searchable add-on site that supports client areas and advanced sales.

How do I get started?

Sign up for a trial or paid account with FolioLink or call us to discuss your website needs.

Do I need Hosting?

Hosting is included for all accounts (except Image Archive's that use a dedicated database or exceed cloud file limits.

Can you help move my current website over to FolioLink?

Yes. Send us a link to your current site.

Do you sell domain names?

Yes. You can register domain names through FolioLink or if you have a domain name already registered we can assist you with linking it to your FolioLink website.

Do you offer email?

Yes. We can assist you with the purchase of a Google Apps email that will work with your domain name.

I am not an artist or photographer, can I use FolioLink?

Yes. Contact us to discuss your website needs and we can help you select the account type and website design that will match your needs.

Can I have more than one site?

Yes. If you need to setup a second site with us, contact us directly as we typically offer discounts on second sites.

Try it Free with a 30 - day trial

Have a question? Contact us 703-506-0878 | 1-877-TO-FOLIO